About Us

A great smile is what you need to boost your confidence. The appearance of your teeth is of course of an essential part of the way you smile and look overall. Feeling not comfortable with your smile may have a far-reaching negative impact on your daily life. Dental braces are the best option for children and teenagers, however, as an adult, they might leave you feeling frustrated particularly if your business line needs you to interact with clients and colleagues constantly. In fact, traditional fixed braces leave you feeling terribly sore, as it can make your everyday simplest task seem exhausting. This is where Invisalign Canada comes handy for teens and adults to improve their smile.

Our Invisalign braces are made of clear plastic so that they are virtually invisible. As there is no metal part available, you can enjoy confident smile throughout your teeth straightening process. Our Invisalign braces are easily removable and so, you can take out whenever you would like to drink or eat, or even brush your teeth. This certainly helps you in maintaining a better oral health at the time of your Invisalign treatment.

What to expect from us:
Your new smile is on the way and so, let’s gets started with a consultation at Clinique Chloe. Our doctor will inspect your teeth and in turn, show you the right type of Invisalign treatment, which does good for you. Then, we suggest you a fast and precise digital scan to map out a personalized treatment plan for you. We can also let you preview your new smile. We tend to custom-made aligners, which best suit you and your needs. From the initial day of treatment to the end, you are never on your own, because our doctor will be with you throughout your way. What are your waiting for? Now, you can able to live your life with no interruptions.

As everyone’s life moves fast, nothing is going to slow you down with our Invisalign clear aligners. Your new smile is simply the beginning. Choosing our Invisalign means that you can easily maintain your teeth health compared to traditional braces. Every two weeks, you can replace your current aligners to get next set in the series. Doing so will shift your teeth little by little to their final position. Our treatment procedure typically takes somewhere from 6-15 months to complete, based on the severity of the problems that need to fix it.

Better way to get the perfect smile:
Another reason that affects your self-confidence is teeth discoloration. Many lifestyle factors and routine things you can perform everyday may discolor your teeth and even, affect the quality of your smile over time. These may include excessive intake of tea, coffee, and red win together with drinks and food with strong coloring.

Smoking is another reason behind the discoloration, which has a huge impact on your smile by causing wrinkles to appear around your mouth and making your teeth become yellow. In this case, laser teeth whitening can offer you an effective solution. At Clinique Chloe, we provide professional LED teeth whitening in Montreal and its surrounding suburbs at reasonable costs to rejuvenate your smile. You can rest assured that we can give you teeth an attractive and healthy look.

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